Marsh Management March Update

The Marsh Management Work Group convened on Friday, March 8. The following are updates from the work group:

Pervious Subcommittee

  • The subcommittee is working on a series of educational outreach efforts focused on the benefits of pervious surfaces, marsh impacts, and how to implement these; the group is planning Lunch and Learn activities, KICA blog articles with companion videos from the Town, and possibly an ARB brochure in the future focused on which materials are considered to be pervious surfaces.
  • The subcommittee is looking into possible driveway conversion incentive programs.
  • Kiawah Conservancy is creating a mapping tool in hopes of showcasing success data of pervious driveways in the future.
  • The Town’s Planning Department is also exploring potential zoning ordinance amendments regarding pervious and impervious surfaces.

Kiawah Island Bridge Subcommittee

  • The work group discussed the consultants meeting and public outreach possibilities.
  • The subcommittee is further conferring with the Communications subcommittee on how to best approach explaining the concepts to the public and receiving public feedback on the project.

Communications Subcommittee

  • There is now a landing page on the Town’s website with marsh management information at
  • The subcommittee provided the full work group with talking points to refer to as they are in the community speaking to neighbors, friends, and colleagues about the marsh.
  • The subcommittee will have volunteers at the Kiawah Conservancy’s Earth Day event on Friday, April 26 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Night Heron Park as an outreach effort.

The full work group will convene next month to discuss further updates.